
This operator shows information about the data type, data format, etc. of the columns and modifies them.

E.g. Automatically add a unit (e.g., kg) to a column that shows only values (e.g., 1, 4, 23).

Example: Add the unit to a value


Operation setting

In this case, the format-string under "Data Format" is #,##0.00 kg. This means, that "kg" is added to each number in Column C.

The Semantics is changed to "Number".


TIS Project

Confluence Op Format Columns.gzip

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This operator shows information about the data type, data format, etc. of the columns and modifies them.



2. Leave cells with value "0" empty.

Data Format # leads to empty cells if the value is 0 (zero).

Please note: Unfortunately, this does not work if decimal values should be shown otherwise.

3. Color for negative, positive, neutral

Format-String for integer:

<font color="green">#,##0</font>;<font color="red">-#,##0</font>;null

This means: the positive part will be shown in green, the negative part in red, and zero values will be replaced by the text "null".

Please note:

  • This solution does not work if the setting in Web.config is validateRequest="true".
  • Not all formats can be processed by TIS Board. However, it contains some strong conditional formatting options.

In this example the format was set only for column "Werte 2":




 nothing known yet

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