
This operator applies a formula in C# syntax to each row of the input table sequentially starting at the first row.

It creates a new column containing the results of each row's calculation. As the operator processes the rows in a sequentially, it can refer to the calculation results of the previous rows.

Application scenarios are summing up values from some columns, re-formatting data or applying if... then... else... conditions.



Want to learn more?

A user-defined formula can be entered in C# syntax. This formula is then applied to each row of the input table sequentially starting at the first row. A new column is created containing the results of each row's calculation. As the operator processes the rows sequentially, it can refer to the calculation results of the previous rows.


Example: Sum up values from previous rows


A table containing account credit and debit entries. A column should be added that indicates the account balance.





Project File



Initial data from a parent data node or an import operator or Create table.

Step 1

Add an operator and select Formual operator.

Insert code snippets for column references using the drop down.

Choode result column name and data type of the result column.

Step 2

Enter formula and click "Save operator"

#Length# * #Width# 


XIH Functions

Drop down for XIH Functions code snippets.

Using C# in TIS

C# Syntax:

  • Formulas and more information under MSDN
  • C# is case sensitive. Be careful with upper and lower case letters!
  •  Write the constant with decimal places --> 7.0 if an operation is supposed to yield a number with decimal places and you are working with constants.
  • class names must be fully qualified, e.g. System.DataTime.Now

Specific in TIS:

  • Variables have to be enclosed by # to be recognized. #Length#+#Width# means that the values of the columns "Length" are added to the values of column "Width".
  • Additional functions, such as the Ximes Helper (XIH) Functions and built-in variables such as rownumber provide additional functionality. Please refer to the sections below.
  • XIH Functions do NOT allow # in the notation of variables. Example: write "Identifier" instead of "#Identifier#".

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