The simple_main function is executed by the Python scripting - with input table operator. It can be defined as synchronous or asynchronous function.

Function signature
def simple_main(params, input_table, types, columns, files)
Async function signature
async def simple_main(params, input_table, types, columns, files)

The function takes the following arguments

  • params: parameters of the current project as dictionary mapping parameter name → parameter value
  • input_table: result table of the current data node as list,
  • typesdata types of columns in result table as dictionary mapping column index → type, and
  • columns: column names of result table as dictionary mapping column name → column index.
  • files: can be used to read/write TIS files. For details refer to TIS File I/O. (From TIS version v6.2)

The function returns a list that replaces the result table.

Do not assign new objects to types and columns.

Helper functions

for simple_main following helper functions are available starting from v 6.7


get_or_add_column(name, type, columns, types)


set_value(columns, types, row, name, type, value)

see: Python scripting - with input table