
Converts a pivot table (many columns) into a table with ID column and data column.

This operation is very valuable if calculated results are imported. However, it often requires some prior editing to set the times into the correct format (please see template → welche Vorlage?).


Input settings of existing table


Want to learn more?

Converts a pivot table (many columns) into a table with ID column and data column.


Example: Resolve a pivot table

for an example pleas view: Resolve pivot table 4.0



Frequent Cause


There are more than one identifier columns in the resulting data node.

The identifier columns need to be joined to one column before dissolving the pivot table. Typically, Formula operator (row-by-row) (5.0) = Formeloperator is used for this.

Column headings do not display the times correctly.

An intermediate step is needed.

Examples see templates. (→ welche sind hier gemeint?)

The fragmentation of strings is described in the Formula operator (row-by-row) (5.0)